Accomplishing the Impossible

Wednesday, March 20, 2013 @ 10:19 AM | (0) comment/s

I read this the other day, and I thought that it was really meaningful, and wanted to share it on the blog. So here it is! :D
Bible Reading: Zechariah 4
"So he said to me, 'This is the word of the LORD to Zerubbabel: 'Not by might nor by power, but by my Spirit,' says the LORD Almighty.'" Zechariah 4:6
Once again the people are encouraged to continue on rebuilding the house of the Lord. This time they are reminded that they are to do it not by their own power, but by the Spirit of God.

Many times when we embark on building something in our lives, we have a tendancy to pursue it by our own strength and power. As a result, the scope of our vision is limited by what we believe are our limitations, and we only aim to achieve what we think we are capable of. This Scripture encourages us to have a different outlook when it comes to building with God. Rather than plan and do what we are capable of, the Lord encourages us to remember that He is with us and He is the one who will give us the strength and power. He is able to do all things and our mindsets are the limiting factor. God wants to do an amazing work in our lives, but if we fail to envision His grand plans in our lives, we will only live out a portion of what He has for us. Therefore let us remember that we are to live by the Spirit of God, and can therefore accomplish the impossible.
(taken from Hope Mission Centre - Online Bible Study)
The Story Of Our Lives

Tuesday, November 13, 2012 @ 9:20 PM | (0) comment/s

"Later I passed by, and when I looked at you and saw that you were old enough for love, I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your nakedness. I gave you my solemn oath and entered into a covenant with you, declares the Sovereign LORD, and you became mine." 
Ezekiel 16:8

God describes the story of His relationship with the Israelites through an allegory which portrays Israel as a baby that later grows into a woman. God picked them up when they were discarded and lost and He entered into a holy relationship with them, but despite all that He did for them, they adulterated His love and were unfaithful.

There will be a day when the Lord tells the story of our lives. He will tell of how He found us when we were lost and hopeless and He gave us hope and a future. He will tell of how He entered into a relationship with us and gave all He had to be with us. The remainder of the story however, has yet to be written. We choose what the ending of the story will be. We can either end it like the harlotry of Israelites, or we can remain faithful to the Lord and blossom in our relationship with Him. We can either put other things first in our lives and grieve His heart, or obey Him and grow in our understanding of Him. 

Choose today how you will live, while the story of your life is still being written.

posted by : Plate :D

Source: Online Bible Study from Hope Mission Centre (
Image courtesy of Google Images
Know That He Is The Lord

@ 9:05 PM | (0) comment/s

"...and I will inflict punishment on Moab. Then they will know that I am the LORD." 
Ezekiel 25:11

All the prophesies that Ezekiel spoke about the different nations had a few things in common. Each country was to reap the punishment of their wrong doings, but all of this was to show them who the true God really was.

God desires for every person to know who He truly is. He longs for a relationship with every person so much, that He sent His only Son to give His life so that our sins could be forgiven and we could have right-standing with God. He showered us with His love and extended His hand towards us, but not every person has responded to Him. Some simply do not believe, others allow their hurt to overwhelm them, while others are ignorant and preoccupied with other things. Sometimes it takes difficult times to wake people up to the reality of Christ. Many times people will only seek for God when there is no other option. 

Let us never come to such a point. 

Let us purpose in our heart to remember the Lord in all we do and maintain our relationship with Him each and every day.


posted by: Plate
(Source: Online Bible Study from Hope Mission Centre)
You Are Loved

Saturday, August 27, 2011 @ 4:51 AM | (0) comment/s

You Are Loved

A counsellor was conducting a family therapy session with the parents of a teenager who had been caught using drugs. The parents excused their daughters' drug use, saying that it was no big deal and just a phase that most teenagers go through. After a while the counsellor told the parents to leave the room and, turning to the daughter, asked her what she had heard. She replied, "I heard that they don't love me."

The counsellor realised that the daughter was dabbling in drugs to get her parents' attention. If she had felt genuinely loved by them, she would have wanted to love them back by choosing not to disobey.

Like that daughter, I often disobey my heavenly Father. My sin distresses me, and I beg God to help me love Him more. While this isn't a bad thing to pray, Paul says that it's even more important that we understand how much God loves us. Only when we appreciate "how wide, how long, how high, and how deep His love is" will we be eager to love him back (Ephesians 3: 18).

Consider the many ways God continually loves you. He overcame incalculable odds just to bring you into existence, and ever since then He has sustained your life with food, family and friendship. He gave His life for you, dying on the cross so you might live with Him forever.

He didn't go to all this trouble to let you drift away, so He "disciplines those He loves, and He punishes each one He accepts as His child" (Hebrews 12:6). No child enjoys boundaries and discipline, but imagine how you'd feel if God didn't care. God loves you too much to shrug at your sin, so rejoice when you feel His firm hand of discipline. It means you are loved.

Plate (taken from this month's issue of ODJ)
Be strong and of good courage, do not fear or be afraid of them; for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. -Deuteronomy 31:6

Thursday, April 28, 2011 @ 4:56 AM | (0) comment/s

(This message is taken from the website "Messages of Hope".)

Hello dear friend.
I remember once when my daughter was very young, and needed to go into hospital for a small operation. She was very afraid of being left alone, afraid that her parents would not be with her, and she asked her mother "Please, Mom, come in with me?" It broke our hearts to tell her that we could not go in with her, despite knowing that she would be well cared for by the medical staff. I remember well the tears in her eyes as she was wheeled away into the theatre, and I offered up a small prayer, asking God to calm her and look after her.
Of course, it all went well, but it occurred to me that we as adults are not much more than children before God at times, when we too fear being left alone with our troubles and concerns. So many times we are faced with difficulties that we feel incapable of handling, and we immediately look for a hand to hold, some comforting presence of another person who will go with us, re-assure us and help us through the ordeal.
Well, God's word promises that when we feel that fear, we only need to remember that He is the one who will be with us through it all, he is the one who will not leave us or forsake us. That is God's promise.
So if you are facing what seems to be an insurmountable challenge that is making you afraid, remember that you are still a child to God your father. Speak to him, say "Please, God, come in with me?"
And be assured, He will. Always.
I pray that God will give you peace today.
posted by Plate :)
Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my saviour and my God. -Psalm 42:5

@ 4:50 AM | (0) comment/s

Despair, discouragement, sadness and depression can affect us all, at any time, even the strongest of us. And it is such an affliction that when it strikes we feel totally unable to cope, we feel completely overcome. So what is to be done about it? The old adage "into every life a little rain must fall" holds little comfort, and it is all very well to say "Chin up! Things will be alright", when we are down and unable to stand. When we allow discouragement to enter our lives, very soon its bedfellow despair moves in, quickly followed by sadness and depression. So is it an ever-spiralling downward fall? No! What we need is the strength that comes from hope!

The psalm 42:5 above was written by the Sons of Korah, temple musicians and assistants, as ministry to those who were discouraged, and it shows that even in those times they realised that HOPE was the weapon to uplift.

With hope we can be strengthened and encouraged in our difficult times, with hope we can believe that all will once again be well. And it will, for when we place our faith and hope in God, He has promised to bear us up. As it reads in the passage from Lamentations; "The Lord is good to those whose hope is in him".

So if you are troubled today, remember to place your hope and faith in God, who has promised to help you. Promised! And that is a promise that is never broken!

May God bless your life in more ways than you thought possible.

- Plate

Wednesday, February 9, 2011 @ 4:23 AM | (0) comment/s


There's SALT on friday in the library from 2:45- 4:30. We're allowed to wear the SALT shirt (with pinafore :))!

seeya there :)