Be strong and of good courage, do not fear or be afraid of them; for the Lord your God is the one who goes with you. -Deuteronomy 31:6

Thursday, April 28, 2011 @ 4:56 AM | (0) comment/s

(This message is taken from the website "Messages of Hope".)

Hello dear friend.
I remember once when my daughter was very young, and needed to go into hospital for a small operation. She was very afraid of being left alone, afraid that her parents would not be with her, and she asked her mother "Please, Mom, come in with me?" It broke our hearts to tell her that we could not go in with her, despite knowing that she would be well cared for by the medical staff. I remember well the tears in her eyes as she was wheeled away into the theatre, and I offered up a small prayer, asking God to calm her and look after her.
Of course, it all went well, but it occurred to me that we as adults are not much more than children before God at times, when we too fear being left alone with our troubles and concerns. So many times we are faced with difficulties that we feel incapable of handling, and we immediately look for a hand to hold, some comforting presence of another person who will go with us, re-assure us and help us through the ordeal.
Well, God's word promises that when we feel that fear, we only need to remember that He is the one who will be with us through it all, he is the one who will not leave us or forsake us. That is God's promise.
So if you are facing what seems to be an insurmountable challenge that is making you afraid, remember that you are still a child to God your father. Speak to him, say "Please, God, come in with me?"
And be assured, He will. Always.
I pray that God will give you peace today.
posted by Plate :)